Sporkfire popped into IRC a moment ago and baited the room with some tasty info. <blockquote>SporkfirePS> You guys need to be sure to watch "In Testing" today.
SporkfirePS> I'll give you a hint as a Christmas present, okay?
SporkfirePS> You know today's announcement has to do with certs, right?
SporkfirePS> Okay. So, we have a lot going on with them and I will tell you one part.
SporkfirePS> We made up a new word.
SporkfirePS> Uni-MAX
SporkfirePS> bye
* SporkfirePS has quit IRC (Quit: ) </UL> What could this mean? Stay tuned to PlanetSide-Universe for more information as it becomes available.
More information has just been made available about Player Recertifaction.
Some certifications are being modified to become inclusive groupings of vehicles and equipment. When this change goes live, all players will have their certifications wiped: and will have the points available to spend at the Certification Terminal again.
Check out all the details at
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