Originally Posted by Firefly
Q: About the specialization trees, I accept that for example my skills in driving a tank won't help me in a MAX loadout, but do I have the option to improve the "spec tree" for every aspect of the game on one character? In another answer you talked about the option of being "jack of all trades" but given enough time can "JacK" effectively master all the trades over the MANY years? Time is important and for a LONG time picking which skills you care most about will be critical, but the idea of true infinite growth interests me. At what point does it break down into "just make a new guy (character) to do 'that'."
[Certification system]
Matt: Given infinite time and no expansion of the skill tree on our part you could conceivably train every cert in the game.
Q: What exactly is the planned Damage bonus for headshots? Will any Infantary weapon be able to One shot Kill?
also, can you make sure that we playtest this properly during beta? Means sometime with headshots, sometimes without. Just to see the difference in gameplay, and if they are a addidion to the gameplay or just a source of frustration.
Matt: The system allows us to have different damage bonuses for each weapon. This way we can make it so that sniper rifles give a 200% bonus making them OSOK on headshots and chainguns get a 0% bonus making it make no difference. Other guns like pistols or assault rifles might be somewhere in between based on how rewarding we feel precision should be with each of those weapons/weapon types. Vehicle weapons will likely have a 0% bonus.
Exact balance for this is not final, but that's the general idea that we're going with and we'll tweak as necessary.