Crew Served Weapons
In this idea I would love to see the concept of the crew served weapon (CSW) be designed into the game. I have a rough draft of how it would work.
The basic weapon could start along the lines of a heavy machine gun. Certainly we are talking a future type weapon so it could be projectile, energy, something fitting the context of the game. The basic weapon system can be operated by one person, but at a substantially reduced capability, either accuracy, ammo amount or some other factor.
The maximum crew could be either two or three people, depending on the direction the devs would like to take it. But the premise would be that any additional crew members increases the accuracy or reload time or ammo lethality to some extent. This would be done by the additional crew member bringing either a tripod, an ammo case, or special ammo to the CSW.
In other words, only one piece can be carried by one person requiring the crew to work together. There could be other enhancements as the certs are filled in like, sandbags, camouflage, vehicle mounting, wall mounting, etc.
You could also possibly attach special barrels that spit fire, or some other type special ammo based on specific certs in that tree.
This is simply a skeleton overview, but applied to a specific cert tree it could provide potential for great teamwork and added mission variables like holding a certain sector for 20 minutes as commanded by the squad leader. This is only limited by what the devs could brain-storm.