Serious Combatant Vs the Casual FPSTard
One of the things I love most about FPS games, is when a group of people WORK TOGETHER, against the enemy. PS1, MAG, hell even CSS you could tell when a team was working together, and when it was a bunch of individuals.
Or as I see it, the Serious Combatant vs the FPSTard.One thing Sony MUST do, is stress to new players the... NEED for teamwork, and why.
To that end, I think outfits should be able to unlock the ability to "spawn" zones and areas for practice. No one in them, just the Outfit and be able to set up way points, over views.. the whole kit and kaboodle.
I think that would really make Outfits matter, Teamwork payoff and bring a lot of joy to the game.
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