Just trying to get a general feel for the vocal minority here and how it's made up. This poll just concerns when you created your account and started playing. This isn't about how much you played, just when you played pretty much. (Also not for bragging). I notice some of the names from the game, but some of them must have played on different servers so it's hard for me to know everyone.
I made this when I saw the following comment and realized I don't know who that person is other than probably a halo fan.
Originally Posted by MasterChief096
I'm starting to think 90% of the people on these forums have never played the game, or have only played it within like the past year and have no idea how the game worked in the past.
// edit It has come to my attention that "vocal minority", aka those who post online about a game, can be derogatory. Title changed... nvm it won't change the real forum title. Just pretend.
// edit2 Also I always read ranges like beta-2005 as [beta, 2005) as in not including 2005 in case someone reads them differently.