Originally Posted by Raka Maru
What kind of weapon/armor designer would make a Max suit with a weak back side? Helmets should be the strongest part of any soldier armor.
How about face plate is vulnerable with special bullets and very small hitbox, but rest of helmet has extra protection?
Logical weapon designers. You cannot simply add more and more armor. Beyond a certain point, it becomes excessive, and then actively detrimental because it weighs so much. So they prioritize. Armor the biggest weak spots, and the most likely avenues of attack. Seems pretty reasonable that a MAX would have a larger portion of armor up front, since that is the direction most threats would come from, whether defending a position or advancing on one.
I'm still trying to decide how much I'd like seeing snipers able to headshot MAXs. It seems appropriate, but.. Outdoors? MAXs were already pretty gimply outdoors in PS1. I wouldn't want to see it even easier to take them out.