Originally Posted by MrVicchio
A woman has the right to abort a child she does not want, but a man is stuck paying the bill for a child he does not want.
I.E. Consider the following real life scenarios.
Bill and Linda engage in consensual intercourse that results in a pregnancy. There are only a few real outcomes.
They both wish to have the child, and find a way to make this happen either through living together, marriage or another situation that works for both.
Linda wants the child Bill does not. Linda gives birth, Bill spends 18-24 years paying child support for a child he never wanted.
Bill Wants the child, Linda does not. Linda aborts. Bill loses a child
Linda does not want the child but gives the child up to Bill. Linda pays Child support (possible).
Linda cannot bring herself to abort, but neither want the child, it is given away for adoption.
In all of the above situations, after the intercourse, the ball is in HER court as to what happens for both of them, and the unborn.
Men should have the right to "abort" their rights and responsibilities as fathers. After all, fairs fair, and while it's not "their body" it is a major part of their reproductive rights.
I expect every pro-abortion person should support equality under the law (see the 14th Amendment for this.) and back giving fathers the right to abort as well.
The state doesn't give a shit about the man OR the woman once the baby is born. Its interest lies with the welfare of the child. Does it suck if you knock a girl up with an unwanted baby? Yep. Thats the risk you take when you have sex with a woman.
You can argue that the courts are a bit too free with the mans money, and far too hesitant to award the man custody. But arguing that the man should be able to abandon his offspring is folly. If you can't afford a kid, don't put your penis into vagina. If you do its your own fault. You knew the risks.