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Old 2011-12-08, 10:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sighpolice's Avatar
Sinking feeling in your heart?


Anybody else get that massive sinking feeling in their hearts whenever you hear some news straight from the press about PS2? I know what that feeling is, and I have an idea that most of us feel it too.

Is it excitement? Possibly. The new PlanetSide does indeed look pretty, and shiny and glossy and up to scratch with "modern graphics." but the more I tell myself that, the more I know that graphics do not matter. I wouldn't play my little pony even if the graphics were so advanced you could touch the horses. We all played (and still play!) PlanetSide first time around not for the graphics.. It was for the gameplay.

But the feeling.. it grows even more and harvests itself when you hear information about "Customised weapon sights" (red dot sights, acog sights etc.) and "The play style is a lot like Bad Company 2" and you try to en-vision them in the perfect PlanetSide world, does that sort of stuff belong there? Yes, everyone using the gauss/cycler/pulsar had the same "sights" but it didn't that mean that you were hindered by it or that it was the end of the world. It probably made it better actually for balancing purposes, whenever you saw an NC with a gauss you knew exactly what you were up against, now with all the sights the tactics have changed and you'll never know what advantage they have over your sight?

It saddens me to say that the feeling I have is one of disappointment and worry. The more I hear about PlanetSide 2 the more I worry that it won't be a true sequel.. With the gameplay more like BFBC2 fights won't last longer than an hour.. even for a base.. The way people get back into the action faster with "squad spawning".. Is that really PlanetSide? Yes its from a drop pod, you have to spec into it and such but.. really? Wasn't adv medic enough?

I quite liked the stalemates, purely because you could fight over a bridge for hours.. Are we going to be waving goodbye to these sorts of fights because 10 mosquito's raped the tanks on your side with an over-powered upgrade?

Also, Lets not forget.. that this SoE team is also the team that introduced BFR's, which was one of the main reasons players quit. Who's to say they aren't similar surprises in the works for future patches? If this is the same team that did that, then who knows what could be coming.

Jetpacks? Is this for PlanetSide? Maybe its good for tribes and section 8, but for pro-longed 3 hour fights over 10 meters, do Jetpacks fit into this scenario?Doesn't it make walls useless as base defences? Who remembers making your way out of the base, running across the CY to the stairs that lead up to the wall and being cut to pieces by a AI VS Max who jump jetted over the wall. Wouldn't it make these sort of situations a routine thing?

Headshots would be good if it were sniper/pistol only.. but is that what people want? Do we want 13 year old CoD players dictating what PlanetSide veterans receive from PlanetSide 2? Most of them were probably 5 when PlanetSide came out.

I hate to put a downer on everyone's day.. but I cannot be the only person with that sinking feeling in my heart. Maybe I am, Maybe I've been diagnosed with Cynicism like that episode in south park (Stan.) But I have to air my opinion, as it is one that grows more or less every "news update".
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