Re: Will vehicles only have a first person view?
Rear view cameras on ground vehicles... and smarter infantry that know to keep away from large rolling hulks of metal that can't see them.
Aircraft should get an actual radar system that can pick up other aircraft around them. That should be leagues better than 3rd person which... frankly, if they're that close to you, it's amazing they haven't hosed you yet. I'm hoping we won't see repeats of the circle-around-each-other "dogfighting" we saw in PS1 reiterated in PS2 since there will be full on physics this time around anyway.
Actually, since players can do loops this time around, a 3rd person camera would have to be loose to not be easy to aim with. It certainly can't work like it did in PS1 (always level,) that's for sure. Ground vehicles maybe, they're not designed to flip over on demand without the aid of high-yield explosives or a cliff face.