Originally Posted by RadarX
To be fair I think most of what you are referring to is Alaplaya which until 2011 was not owned by Prosieben. You can also see significant efforts by Alaplaya to ensure players much of the concerns they have are surrounding old business practices or different types of deals entirely.
Prosieben is our publisher and support partner. SOE is making the games.
Once you gain bad reputation its hard to get rid of it. SOE had it back too, but lately you are staring to get plus points in communication with players and development (with direct hit to the groin for pro7 deal).
But there arent signs of alaplaya(pro7) getting better. If you (soe) want your games and your players be guinea pigs to see if they can change, thats your choice. But cant expect us to have trust and faith it will be better, based just on their word that they want to change.
But we can call us lucky. Pro7 will get their grasp on EQ2 (pity on them), and other games like half a year before ps2 will come live. By that time we will see how they handle it, and either begin to trust them, or watch their rotting corpses being ravaged by angry EQ2 mob