The Official Windows 8 Discussion thread
So I installed Windows 8 earlier today, and my opinion with is kinda mixed atm. I actually like not having a start button, and the replacement we are presented with has potential, but seriously needs work. It's much more touch-friendly, but the vast majority of computer users are still stuck with a keyboard and a mouse. And they haven't released a beta for ARM devices yet.
At the moment, I'm using the start screen as a dashboard kind of thing, to where I just launch applications off it, or if you just start typing it'll automatically start searching for you. But the thing it so desperately needs right now is better integration with the desktop interface. Get rid of the blue background, or just make it translucent, since I can pick it to be a grey color, but it just looks so out of place with the rest of the desktop environment. More to the point, on a device with no detectable multitouch interface, it should never launch apps using the metro interface - or at least give me the option to tell it to launch apps in on the normal desktop.
Other than that, it's just development. Get more apps into the store. Fix some annoying issues, like the lock screen, which you have to "slide" up even on a desktop. And get rid of that dumbass fish on the startup loading screen. Just having it black with the little loading circle would be fine.
Anywho. What are yall's impressions of Microsoft's newest attempt at reinventing the wheel?