Where is the Lasher spam?
I seldom care for pre-release video game hype, and perhaps it is only nostalgia for what remains one of my favorite online games of all time (nevermind the fact that I've not played it in five or six years), but I watched all 30+ minutes of the GDC footage and enjoyed every moment of it.
It appears that they're taking the all the good bits from Planetside, modernizing it, and adapting it here and there to appeal to a wider audience. All of this is great, as it ought to appeal to veterans and newbies alike. My only question as a long-forgotten Lasher-lover is; where is all the lasher spam? I didn't see a single lasher orb in all of the GDC footage, and that saddens me immensely.
I see on the Planetside 2 website that the TR Mini Chaingun is returning and it appears that the Sweeper will replace the Jackhammer as NC's faction shotgun, but what of my beloved Lasher; has there been any word on its return?