Originally Posted by DayOne
What's so great about being able to put in soo much time into a game that you are only good because you've trained yourself to being incredibly accurate.
Because not only are you forced to think before and after the fight, which is the argument you're trying to make, but you're forced to think during the fight as well. The longer a fight takes the more environment factors that come into play. Suddenly you have to be aware of your movement, the movement of others around you, locations of cover, how exposed you are to vehicles fire, are you backing into a corner where you'll be vulnerable to nades, how much ammo do you have left, what tools do you have that could help you, the list goes on...
The planning/thinking you do before and after fights helps lower the potential TTK, while the thinking you do during the fight is equivalent to putting your plan in action and seeing it through.
Not to mention it seems like you're arguing that practice/training should not be required to be good...? Serious? Yes if I'm a new player I want to be on par with veteran players from a gameplay standpoint, but I'd never expect to be on par with them skillwise unless I work towards it...