Question/Concern/Idea regarding outfit certification trees
In one of the interviews with Higby, he mentioned that outfits would gain experience and be able to spec into outfit-wide improvements. He said that an outfit commander could choose from either some very general buffs or very specific ones like focus on air, infantry, armor, etc. He qualified this by saying that you couldn't have both air AND armor buffs, for example. Has there been any recent information about this?
My concern is that a game mechanic like that might encourage multi-divisional outfits to break up the outfit to focus on a particular area. So instead of one outfit with air, armor, and infantry you would end up with three outfits focused on their individual area. To me that would be a bad mechanic.
I like the idea of earning outfit experience and having cert trees outside the purely personal character trees, however.
My idea is that outfit commanders should have access to a 'formation window'. In that window, the commanders could define an arbitrary number of divisions with a focus on particular outfit certification trees. The commanders could then drag and drop members of the outfit into those division sections as they saw fit. Members of those divisions would earn experience toward that particular division certification tree, rather than (or in addition to) the outfit as a whole. The commanders could have the choice of putting everyone into a single division, or breaking the outfit up as much as is needed.
The point of the idea is keeping multi-divisional outfits together, while still allowing access to specialization trees.
Then again, the outfit-wide buffs could be negligible making outfit break-up a non-issue. Just throwing it out there.