With the Hex territory system I feel like communications could be applied to the game in the sense of a tactical tool. Things such as communications requiring Hex control to give faction or squad wide messages or towers increasing the distance it can travel. Yes I know Vent, Skype, or Teamspeak can completly negate this in alot of ways but I'm still going to say it.
Indivuduals within Hex's faction owned Hex's can receive all communications. IE Commanders orders, outfit leaders, squads and such. If the Hex has a base then the communication benifits bleed over into adjacent Hex's. Some bases has supieror Comm modules and can bleed over multiple Hex's. Another method of having Comm is vehicles with the ability to have leadership module s. These modules would be able to act as Comm towers giving communications over a decent size area and connect it to the rest of your faction. These modules would also allow leaders to utilize tools such as leader maps to create missions, waypoint, and other tactical things. (Provided that they aren't already able to just press a button and do that from anywhere)
If you find yourself in a place not in faction communications range such as behind enemy territory, then you would only be able to communicate with local same faction players such as your squad. However you would be cut off from other squad/outfit members if they are still back in faction owned territory. Unless you bring of course a vehicle with communication module or high ranking officers are allowed deployable communications mini tower.
Again I realize vent could destroy on outfit size communications but over the entire faction this could be seen effecting game play. Just love the idea of communications being a tactical tool and not a given commodity