Looking for a laid back fun outfit
I am looking for an existing outfit or either people to help me start one. I already have a group of friends who weve been gaming together since 2007 and have had a lot of fun times through the years, we started out playing enemy territory quakewars and have played everything from mmos to other shooters through the years. Currently were playing tribes ascend and battlefield 3, mostly just TA atm though.
The main reason im interested in starting a outfit is I want to make sure the outfit im part of is fair to everybody myself and friends included. Theres nothing worse than being in a group with somebody whos on a power trip. I realize too though not having played the original PS much ill be at an initial disadvantage so im more than willing to learn. Ive played tons of shooters and mmos though and remember the basics of PS and dont see that it would be all that hard to pickup. I have ran many guilds and clans in the past so i have plenty of experience, i mainly just want to play the game though and get in with a good group of people. Dont care if im running it or somebody else, like i say the main thing is that its fair and democratic to its members.
Havent really decided on a faction yet either, the two im looking at though are VS and NC but not to say i wouldnt join a good TR outfit if somebody could sell me on the idea. I just keep hearing so much about how people join outfits and they play with that group for years and they become your friends and family outside the gamethat sounds like what i have with the current clan i help run and its been dwindling lately so itd be awesome to get back into that. Kindve long winded but i hope im getting across what im saying. If anybodys got an outfit like that with a real close knit friends first, game second mentality then id be more than up to join and im sure my friends would as well.
I also have this to throw out there. I own a 512 slot TS3 server id be willing to let the outfit use if needed, i have full super admin and can assign admin to whoever would need it etc. Anyway i hope to hear back from some of you and look forward to meeting you.
PS:Not sure if age is an issue but im 37 and the group of friends i have we game with range from 18 to 47 so we have a large variation in ages, my son will also want to play hes 13 but very mature and respectful.