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Old 2012-06-08, 02:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant
Planetside 2 Balance Pre-Beta Test List

Perhaps this is silly but I'm compiling this post to contain all the things people are concerned about balance wise in PS2, and when I get to beta (PCgamer key locked and loaded) I'll be testing these.

This is a compilation of all the stuff we've been asking here and going "well no one knows until we get into beta." We're never going to know if we forget what we asked.

Results will probably go to SOE first not you (due to NDA) but if they are ok with it maybe I could publish results as well.

Q: What's the point of this?
A: Beta testers should be testing, this is as good as any way to get a list of stuff to try. Also, maybe I can contribute in a nice way here if I can be allowed to post results back to the forum (if NDA and SOE allows)

Q: How do I nominate something to be on this thread?
A: Either open your own thread about it and I'll notice it or post it here

Q: I have this awesome thing that's not in the game, but they should add it!
A: Great, it doesn't belong in my thread! Go post in ideas forum somewhere.

Q: How in the world can you objectively study this?
A: I wont be objective, and I wont have time to be scientific, but I will be data driven and as neutral as possible.

Q: I have a very complex question, help me answer it!
A: No. It has to be stated in one phrase/sentence and I reserve the right to only test what I feel is interesting

Q: I posted a 90 page super important thread and YOU MISSED THE IMPORTANT QUESTION I HAD.
A: Sorry, this list is only from the most recent 10 pages. Please post your one sentence question so I can add it if I like it.

The list:
-Territory System:
Time difference of surrounded hex hack vs back hack
vehicle spawn pads, how many are there, how densely packed?
Resources, do they move around or are they static?
Resources, do you feel any limitation when you lose a base or can you stack up tons?
Do some bases never see combat?
Do some bases have a lot of interior to fight over?
Is there city warfare on any continent?
Is there a mechanic to change empire and how long does it require.
Can spawns be destroyed or is it just resource denial to take a base?

-Category, ground vehicles:
# of shots to kill for each tank
tank strafe speed
Can a sunderer push things?
How much damage does running people over do?
Vehicle/vehicle collision damage
Front vs back, where is back and how much extra damage?
Is it better to take a tank gunner seat or bring a skyguard instead?
Is the lightning superior to faction tanks in speed, armor, or damage?
Which has more armor, sunderer, or galaxy, and which is faster?
Can you roll a ground vehicle without it exploding?
Can the magrider survive falls from greater height because of its hover ability?

-Category: Infantry Fights:
TTK for each class using a single gun,
AA Max TTK vs air
Wrong type max guns, TTK of AV vs infantry, or AI vs vehicle, etc
Can you swim?
Can you squad spawn in an enemy held base (SOI)?
Can you squad spawn a whole squad on one infiltrator?
Do MAX AI and AV guns fit the empire and balance?
Basic light/assault rifles, how do they fall off with range (accuracy, etc)?
Grief system, detailed mechanics
Autoheal and shield, mechanics
Snipers, do all rifles leave equal trails?
Is there muzzle climb from a single shot?
How far is the max range of a sniper rifle, as in if you fire it at a 45 degree angle does that bullet vanish or hit the ground a stupidly long way away
Can you avoid vision loss at night by increasing gamma?
How long does it take a knife to kill a heavy assault armor? From the back?

-Category: Air Vehicles
How much can you nick your vehicle on terrain without taking damage?
Can you land without taking damage?
How far off the continent can you fly?
Damage of collisions with people and other vehicles?
Liberator and Gal, TTK from anti-air vehicle, MAX, lightning
Can you outrun missiles?
Turn rate of each craft (sitting still/ full speed)
Autorepair, mechanics
Can you jump out of a vehicle and get back in to break missile lock?
Are aircraft affected by gravity and other physical forces in forward flight? Do they gain speed in a dive?
Can the pilot be shot inside the vehicle?

-Category: Physics general
Fall damage for various classes, how high is too high to live?
Debris, Is is deadly?
Debris, can you hide behind it?
Tree leaves and fences, do bullets go through them?
Explosions around corners, do you take any damage?
Clipping, what can you stand in? Can you clip through teammates?
AOE damage, how does it fall off with ranges?
Is there freelook/room for TrackIR?
Surfing, can you surf on a tank? On a galaxy?
Vehicle surfing, can it be done?
How long is day/night?
How long does it take to cross the continent in a plane?

Category: Outfits/Voice
Voice, How do you know who is talking?
Voice, is there a command channel?
Can you mute/ignore players easily?
Can you see what outfit enemies are from?

Some early results that might answer some questions, from E3 testing:

Outfit Names for Enemies, and Killboard ultradetail

Resource Denial

Last edited by Synapse; 2012-06-22 at 07:48 AM.
Synapse is offline  
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