Originally Posted by elfailo
Scythe has the advantage in turreting because of its horizontal maneuverability - strafe speed. The reason for this is that yaw is now on A & D, no longer controlled with Mouse_X. Not that it will make a lot of difference if they keep TTK's this low though.
I've been wondering if this horizontal movement ability would allow us to do a Zurabatic Cartwheel.
This is the only video of I could find (it's from 1951). Move to 2:20.
Alternately, imaging rolling out while losing forward momentum such that you are doing a tumbling roll to the side. Continue this move and you'd do an entire circle. This would be nifty for getting on to someone's tail who is behind you: Tumble/roll out while dropping airspeed and altitude, level out, boost back on to their tale. I can't wait to try that.