Originally Posted by Sabot
I'd love me some purple socks with teal stripes on... proper 'I-mean-business-socks'
But seriously, these things are very subtle... apart from the animal-camo perhaps -.- But I don't think you'll notice it very often while playing... hopefully you'll have other things to think about. And if not... you'll just get angry at the redonkulous helmets people are wearing and shoot at them more effectively.
I think they have made the camo work with the combination of the kill cam, just like a show off. Just few during the video were looking usefull (the only one that i remember is the desert camo for tr max where the beige takes the part of the black in some decent areas and in daylight looked quite usefull) But since most of the players were doing Team Killing or crossing in front of enemies (with the opposite faction not firing) i would be more worried of getting more recognizable in the heat of the battle (like ww1 they used sometimes big glasses/aluminium idk which material attached to their back that would reflect the light soo your frontline would not fire at you, like a car triangle attached to your back) and not getting shoted by my team mate that in an adrenaline rush tought i was some Alien Fan boy.