Re: *** PlanetSide 2 Ultimate Beta FAQ ***
They have 2 pool of people: the "first access" pool, which includes those with Beta keys (however they got them), PS1 vets, and First Platoon participants; the second pool is everyone else who signed up on the site.
They will extinguish the first pool before moving on to the second one. How do they select within each pool? I dunno. Probably - every 10th e-mail from their database list. Or maybe, waves of 100 people, in order of appearance in their database. Or maybe they'll go so far as to actually make a pseudo-random-name-picking algorithm.
Basically, being in that priority pool means you'll be in the closed beta (I mean, otherwise, why would you need a key in open beta or after launch?). Otherwise, hang tight, and you'll get to play it sooner rather than later - in open beta, or otherwise. It's a free game.