Originally Posted by GODMOLLY
Is there other evidence that shows otherwise thats not how it happened? Oh yeah, that is right no. As much as you THINK or have that gut feeling deep down in your stomach that he is guilty, Zimmerman's testimony is basically the only thing that really is "hard" evidence in this case. We will let the jury decide, you arguing with nothing to back you up does nothing but make you seem like a cunt.
As much as you like it or not, you have to prove Zimmerman wrong without reasonable doubt. I have no bias and it irks me how people post reply with no common sense (like your post). Murder cases are not based on opinion, this is not Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.
The man is a proven liar and has a violent criminal record. And you are taking his testimony as fact? You have the word of a liar, who has violently attacked people in the past, claiming that the person he pursued attacked
Just because its the only thing we have from someone who was there does not mean it's true.
I suppose you would take the word of Charles Manson saying people attacked him if there was no other witnesses...