Yesterday evening 'GMT' reminded me why I loved the TR all those years ago
and PS1 in general.
Holding at Bomazi vs 2+ to 1 odds against the VS for most of the fight, a good few hours. Not saying this to brag, as everyone's got the stories, but I remember the old days when many would consider a base hopeless, and a token force would just not give up, yesterday was one of those days. These were always the most satisfying holds for a grunt, at least when everything was pop locked or not in play.
Great BD defense, flag and gen cover, people repairing, hacking, and covering each other. A stubborn refusal to let their zerg in heh. The NC seem good at that these days as well, while the VS seem to take bases quicker. - At least from the last few days play.
It is good to give PS1 a send off like this, much appreciated.