Resource distribution and lack of meta game
I've heard some people complain that, unlike PS1, there seems to be no meta-game in PS2. What is meant by this is that groups of players can't have a very significant impact, and going to other continents simply seem to be down to personal preference, rather than being a tactical decision or an actual requirement.
And I somewhat agree. I'm specifically concerned about resource distribution, and that since the resources seem to be scattered equally across the continent (this is just based on what we've seen on Indar). This makes it seem somewhat shallow, because on one hand it will make it easy for factions to keep a balance of what resources they are getting, whilst on the other it will be nearly impossible for an outfit to make an organized effort to corner the market. Why? Because the hexagon system (which is great) forces your faction to acquire adjacent hexes - with irrelevant resources - in order to solidify you presence in the relevant hexes.
What do you guys think? Should they stick with the Indar-way, or would you rather see continents with a high concentration of a specific resource?
I'd personally prefer the latter, because it will make it easier for outfits to make a significant impact, and will create a situation where outfits will choose, or be forced, to go to a specific continent simply due to its current tactical potential.