Originally Posted by Littleman
The one's whom should be responsible for discouraging these stubborn aggressors are even more stubborn, opposing aggressors. People will get the idea to focus their efforts on another base, by the way.
But if all bases are captureable 100% of the time, leaving a base almost guarentees it will be attacked, or that you will be exposing your own team to an attack. Why even attempt to fight enemies where they are the strongest and instead just run around capturing bases where they have less presence?
Imagine a scenario where a coalition of outfits capture a central base. The enemies pull back, and the coalition advances towards another base to attack. The enemies who fell back simply go to the base that the coalition has just captured, and start hacking it again. The coalition has to either go back to defend the base, or simply give it up and have wasted all that time and effort for nothing.
If there's a massive advance that just crushes through the continent, capturing base after base, the other factions could simply follow up behind them, re-capturing everything they've taken.
With supply lines via hex control, expanding aggressively would simply be impossible as any captured base could be taken from you and end up with your areas being cut off at any given moment.
I don't feel that I'm fully articulating the issues I have with no lockdowns, but I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this one?
I simply don't agree with a lock out timer. If one empire takes the base, great, but in no way should that discourage the losers from continuing to fight over it because there's no point to for X amount of time.
You should have read on to the rest of my post =/
I suggested a system wherein a captured base has a limited amount of time for a successful hack to take place in order to keep it contested. Once that time expires without a successful hack, the base is locked.
For instance, VS capture a base from the TR, but the TR manage to get at least one point in the base hacked within 5 minutes, therefore the base is still in a contested state.
Alternatively, the NC capture a base from the TR, and before the TR can counterattack, the VS hit one of their vital facilities. The TR cut their losses and go to defend the base being siged by the vanu instead. After 5 minutes with no one successfully capping any of the hack points in the base, it gets locked to NC.