Greetings PSU. I am one of the new blood to the PS universe. Thank TotalBiscuit for bringing PS2 to my attention. I am an all-round gamer, mid 20s, male. Half student half part-time worker atm, Senior in college.
I feel like listing my systems I have played, so here it goes: SNES, Gameboy (Original, color, and 3DS), Playstation 1 2 and 3. I have a whole mess of games for each of them in two storage buckets. (though i lost my Old Gameboy stuff
Moving on I have played PC games such as WOW, LoL, TF2, CS 1.6, Dragon Age 1&2, several COD and BF games, SWTOR, Effect 1-3, and many more.
The name SquadGunner comes from me playing CS 1.6, the reason being is that I loved using the MG and was actually pretty decent with it for a while.
Most non shooters I play as Marcomagnus, there is another short story to how I made that one but I will leave it for some mystery.
Currently in a family & friends guild that does 10 mans and just downed heroic Madness.
Right now I am not sure what faction I want to play as. I got into beta so I will probably be trying out all of them once I get in. In any case I glad to be here and I hope to be playing with or against some of you guys once PS2 arrives. Over and out.