Originally Posted by opticalshadow
you can have a dictatorship, and still be democratic. it all depends on how that one guy allows decisions to be made.
True. As much as I hate to agree with a TR. Remember Hitler was elected by the German people. Well,technically HE wasn't elected,but the Nazi party was elected to office,they then appointed Hitler to Chancelor,so yes,a Dictator can be elected.
That is what happened with the TR. We elected them,now we decided it was a mistake,so we will remove them by force. I guess in a way that would almost make the NC the Junta.
All in how you look at it I guess. One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist and all that.Look at the U.S. in Iraq,were we liberators,or invaders / Just depends on what side of the fence you are on when the bullets start to fly.