Might as well introduce myself a little, Im KatoFW an avid gamer, whenever time allows me (which sadly enough, is more often than not.) Planetside 2 is looking amazing in almost every aspect, and its pretty damn exciting. But in all honesty, what excites me most, is the dropships. Maybe its because i grew up on starships troopers and Aliens, but the one thing i want to do most is to fly in a fully loaded galaxy for a hot drop into victory. Sure its not as glorious as the aerial acrobatics of a well fought dog-fight, or as rewarding as the crunch of bone and metal from a tank cannon, but the glory of getting my squad where it needs to be, when it needs to be, and getting work done, is more than enough for me to justify wasting so much time not getting any points, ever. So cheers, hope to see you in one of the seats of my dropship sometime soon.