Hmmm now somthing of this size would of course be a resource hog, so im thinking this could be a air mobile base. Though we have discovered small pools of water on amerish I dont see this being a water based vessel. So if they make this ship part of the the vehicle pool then I forsee there being a big vehicle jam at the spawn point
. So I believe this to be the a mobile platform that will be caturable, maybe one or two per continent. With the ability to drop vehicles and personnel at designated points. And control of orbital strikes, which will go to the faction who owns this captured platform. I could work with this. Units could fly up or port up to the platform take the capture points and this will give them more access to spawn points all over its designated continent. Units could spawn vehicles get together a task force and designate a drop point and assault bases. Remember the video were the NC guy threw up a way point and his squad mates locked in and dropped from a vehicle. This would be that vehicle, once a platoon or outfit leaders designates a point to drop, soldiers on the platform can run to a terminal and drop to the designated point. No more recall to sac to get a gal, were burning in boys.