Some questions after my first session.
Hi all !
I tried PS2 yesterday in a 3 hours session (VS on Cobalt, EU). Good impression so far, but I have to say it's really NOT beginner-friendly : it threw me right in the fight, were I got instashot before I could even rebind my key (I'm on an azerty keyboard).
Anyway, I watched the tutorial videos, and read a few things on wikis I could find. I still have a few questions I can't answer :
- Is there some kind of actual game manual somewhere ?
- In the general chat, I sometimes see "ORDER" written in yellow... Where do these orders come from ?
- Is each character I create tied to its initial server ?
- We took an AMP station while I was playing. There are things I still don't get in base layout and map Icons :
- What are those orange forcefields ?
- Are there different type of forcefields ?
- The "up arrow" icons are spawn point, as far as I can tell. I once spawned on one of those, and reallized I was in a zone entirely controled by the ennemy. How are those things captured and lost ?
- Is there a way to better identify the ennemy soldiers ?