Originally Posted by WarbirdTD
idiotic rant
You really are ignorant if you honestly think that the NC community was bitching about nothing.
Yes, I was speaking in general terms about the way NC weapons work. Obviously you don't get how recoil and weapon bloom works, or damage over time. In case you didn't realize, NC weapons may have more damage per bullet, but they fire slower, so they're not just a WIN button. Add in worse accuracy and the result is a weapon that has to be burst-fired to be used effectively.
Fact: NC weapons AS A WHOLE have 20%+ higher bloom rate when firing than TR or VS weapons do. Their recoil may be primarily vertical (lots of TR and VS weapons have vertical recoil, including most LMGs), but it's also higher on average than TR or VS weapons, and when that RNG for bloom throws your bullets everywhere, there's nothing controllable about that. The really only thing NC have is lower first-shot recoil, which is why I pointed out their relative effectiveness at longer ranges when on single-fire. And, as you pointed out, at ranges such as those, you're better off with a longer range weapon than a carbine or LMG anyhow.
Before you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, maybe you should actually look at some actual weapon values. I'm just going to leave this for you here. Educate yourself: this is from the last patch so the values should be current.