Originally Posted by Dragonskin
Sorry, maybe I just picked the right server because it's fairly rare that air is overpowering ground on Mattherson. I see clusters of maxs all the time. Ground totally helps to push the air out.. it's not just a deterant.
Hell last night we actually did a lib event on Esamir. We got a lot of kills sure, but we were far from OP devastating. Eventually we were pushed back to the warpgate by ground forces working with their air. We were pushed back mostly because we didn't have ground forces to help protect our air like NC had. Of course on my server we have The Enclave and Goons so you have 2 massive forces always assaulting you all the time. Maybe if the servers were more balanced like Mattherson you guys would see better fights.
Have you fought TR at all? TR on Matherson are doing nothing but swarming air over and over and it got extremely annoying to fight them.
I don't play the game anymore, I uninstalled it the other day, I'm through with the crippled balance. I can't believe I lasted only a month with PS2 whereas I went 5 some odd years with PS1 before quitting.