Unreactable TTK= Shotgun..More Nerf/ Less Insta kill
Their is already lots of insta kill in this game...For Example n00btube/ proxy mines but at least you can have flak armor to not get insta kill but instead get severely damage to the point where 1 more bullet kills you.
I kind of accept the fact that SOE cater the explosives to the n00bs and people who need help getting kills.
But shotguns are starting to seem very very OP in close quarters.
I understand that shotguns should have an edge in close quarter combat but the TTK is way too low, you can't even react.
Im not sure what should be done, less damage, overall higher health for players but this Shotgun being king in close quarter in this large margin needs to go IMO.
Im already seeing people doing this in Planetside
Now I know ppl are going to say "Well the shotgun sucks anything out of close distance"...I know but people already know this, these people just stay in buildings.
Anyways I feel shotgun sells must be way up because lots of ppl are using them now because this is the only way they do good.