Indar, use it or loose it!
So Indar is hotly contested but no one can take it and we're all getting real sick, annoyed, or bored with it. The sheer mass of the NC can't liberate it and bring it freedom, the war machine of the TR can't oppress it and bring it back into martial law under a crimson banner, and the prophets of the Vannu can't foresee in the near future a enlightened world where scholars can spread there ways in peace so here's my question to the denizens of Connery: Wat do?
Since no ones willing to just surrender Indar can any outfits or unified faction fronts hold Essamire or Amerish for a month+ so pride tempts everyone to fight there or will we have to wait for a new continent or some big game changing thing via a weapons balance or warpgate rotation before we see fighting shift significantly somewhere else?
I know everyone wants the bragging rights to say "I claimed Indar and broke the stalemate!" and I'll be the first to admit I really enjoy the cert farm at Scarred Mesa Skydock and Quartz Ridge Camp but really? Is anyone else getting bored with Indar?
Last edited by HereticusXZ; 2013-02-18 at 10:28 PM.