Not such a new player... however
I really have not played the Infiltrator class much but after watching Jenny Boo’s video ( ), I got all inspired and decided to give it a go.
I had some serious fun last night as an infil and decided to put some more time and certs into this class for my char.
After starting off with the TR default rifle, the 99SV, I decided it sucked, so I moved to the M77-B Bolt action and had a much more enjoyable time.
I understand from what I have read that bolt action rifles are the only way to go as a sniper, so my questions follow…
1) In your opinion, which is the most accurate of the TR BAR’s?
The wiki only lists three, the M77, SR7 and the TSAR 42. Which would you recommend?
2) Any recommendations on a scope?
3) Also, what would you recommend as far as ‘must have’ certs?
I have terminal Hacking and nano armour to level 3, nano cloaking to level 2 and a med kit.
4) What is the difference between Hunter Cloaking Device and Nano-Armour Cloaking?
Thanks and see you out there…