So with the last patch NC MAX's finally got hit with the nerfhammer as has been requested for some time. However it's debatable whether or not the nerf went too far. Did it need a damage buff? Sure, I'll admit that, the rate of fire buff is even justified. The reload speed and extra bullet in the magazine that they removed however, really cripples the NC MAX.
The below video describes the NC MAX vs a TR MAX pre-nerf:
Outside of 10m the TR max won every engagement, (Minus the grinders which he had to spend 1000 certs on while the TR MAX didn't on his cyclers).
While I have no video comparison as to after the patch it seems the other factions MAXes have taken their place in CQC over the NC MAX. That is where my problem is. While other factions have access to longer range engagements we're stuck with nothing but CQC and we're starting to lose in that regard more and more. Again, as I have no video I'm guessing the TR MAX would win against the NC MAX inside of 10m now.
What is everyone elses opinions on MAX's and MAX balance?