As of Friday, June 14th, 2013 10:13 PM, there has been
two mass-disconnects in the area of south-west Indar, two bases down from Hvar [forget its name]. It appears as if TR players are not disconnecting, but I didn't see for sure.
Incidentally, this has occurred during and after an extremely intense battle where aircraft were popping in and out of LOD ~150m away. Could it be the server failing to handle? I might have believed that after the first time, but not after the second time. I suspect h4x.
I open this thread not only to open debate upon it being h4x or not, but also to allow players on other servers who may have experienced this to further identify what may be causing the issue. Whatever is going on, it needs to be fixed... stuff
this bad makes people quit the game.
Early on in PlanetSide 2's history, there was a mass-crash exploit that was abused by a TR outfit(s). The trend spread to all factions and really all servers. It was horrible. People quit. They never came back. It took a long time for it to get fixed.