So umm.. someone please explain the logic behind this..?
I'll use the shiny new NC-8 RailJack just for example (there's plenty of similar things in any factions spawnlists to choose from):
Muzzle velocity is 850 meters per second. So the projectile should travel a mile in about 2 seconds, depending on various things. But ballpark is set there anyway.
It can be equipped with a scope that has 12 time magnification, meaning that if your target is say 1000 meters away, it will appear 12 times larger on the scope than it would with plain eye.
Yet the weapon will not kill anything beyond 300 meters, no matter how precise you are (unless you shoot it twice). Dafuq are the projectiles? Are we shooting cottonballs or something?!
That's a 1942 Mosin-Nagant from second world war (the weapon itself first came in first world war), with a PU scope (3.5x magnification if i'm not mistaken), hitting deadcenter repeatedly at 800+ meters... and you can be damn sure that the 7.62x51mm round will still be lethal at that range.
Again, explain this one to me please.
Last edited by Plaqueis; 2014-02-27 at 08:24 PM.