I've just invested heavily into maxing out the Scout Radar and Stealth for my ESF. I'd thought I'd give this set up a try in the hope of providing useful information to my team on the ground.
After a doubtful start I am now really warming to it. In major battles, I'll do a fast, low fly past over the battle site and it lights up all the enemy positions to our team on their map like a Christmas tree! I'll do a couple or so fly pasts before the enemy wises up and I become a target, then I'm out of there. XP rolls in for spotting.
It's also very useful on picking out those loners and snipers out on the hills or sneaking around our bases and I hunt them down.
Disadvantages are that I've had to sacrifice my Nanite Repairs and the one where you can extinguish a fire and heal up (can't remember what it's called atm ) so it's a pain when you do take hits, you constantly have to land out and repair.
With the stealth, I've also managed to sneak up on the occasional enemy esf for a kill.
I've heard of someone just sitting on a bio lab in his esf whilst racking up spotting xp.
Think I'll stick with this set up for a while longer and see how more inventive I can get.
Anyone else use Scout Radar?