What is up with Station sign ups!?
OK, out of desperation, and a bright idea I am coming here. I have been following Planetside for a little over 6 months. It is shaping up to be one of the best MMORPGS I have seen yet. And for the past 5(FIVE) friking months I have been trying to sign up a Station name so I can submit a form to get into beta. Now this is really, really ticking me off. Just the thought of how much trouble this has been has annoyed the crap out of me.
Everytime, and I mean EVERY time I go to sign up, I fill out the form, get everything right - I click continue. And every @#^'ing time it gives me "This page has encountered an error." EVERY time this I've have signed up this has happened, for the past 5 months. I have tried it on various computers. Heck, even after signing up and getting the error, I have tried to login and it says there isn't a user with that name. But when I got to re-register for a station name, it says that my previous name was already taken, what gives?
thank you for your patience, mine has run out