How to add a Bomber/artillary track into the game.
I understand that this isn't a pressing issue, but after launch and all, I would like to see some sort of bomber and artillary unit added to the game. But, such a unit could be a tad over powered.. why not making a two man affair. One in the air, one on the ground.
Ground guy goes up to the Aircraft/Artillary track and grabs a laser sight from it, or better, just make it a peicce of equipment. You MUST be in a squad to use this, better an outfit but hey...
Now, the ground guy has to "paint" the target with the laser rifle. It does ZERO damage, and the guy is basically lacked in position until the bomb/shell hits. The guy in the aircraft/artillary track gets a little light, beep something to inform him that the target is painted, and ONLY then can he fire his weapon.
This could be a VERY good weapon IF used right. It would promote Team work, and add another element of tactical thought to the game.
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