Bolt Driver and Gauss info
Hey everyone, I just wanted to know some things bout the bolt driver and the gauss rifle.... I wanted to know for the Bolt Driver do the shells hit the target instantly after you fire it?
Also for the Gauss Rifle, now Gauss means Using Magenetic Field technology... when i saw it, i told my friend who has beta, and i'm still waiting to be approved for beta, i asked him if you use the Guass rifle near a tank or any other metal source... would it not make it propel faster than normal and do more damage odviously?
I know its game but for this type of game based like this i just like the somewhat reality of the game.... keep everything just like for the guass when your near metal it propels the shells faster and such. just wandering if any of this works.... and i hope to see ya boyz in beta too!