Yes that is correct sorry, hehe, do you actually carry 5 ACEs?? I carry 4 and leave the REK in my hand as I am also an Adv hacker. I dont carry a gun but Hacking is the perfect compliment to Combat Engineering as it allows you to throw down mines all over an enemy base, hack a terminal inside and restock without leaving. Using this method you can pepper 15-20 mines throughout enemy territory then sit back and watch them get pissed off. Hacking also lets you take all sorts of terminals and such from them. Combining these 2 roles makes for the biggest annoyance possible to the enemy. This class combo is also about the only unit capable of extended solo missions inside enemy territory. On more then one occasion I have spent over an hour harrasing a single base by myself without dying. You are pretty much restricted to Mines and Boomers but when used correctly you can still rack up plenty of kills and REALLY make people want you dead. After the 4th or 5th time someone dies on a mine just trying to leave their base you start getting pretty low exp from them though.