I was wondering why and if they nerfed hacking again... Last night i noticed, that After I hack an enemy equipment terminal or enemy locker or enemy medical terminal or enemy vehicle terminal, that terminal stays hacked for only like 60 seconds, and then has to be rehacked again for people to use. This caused much grief to the quad I was working with at a tech facility with the Air Vehicle Terminals... and also with equipment terminals. Is this a new "Nerfing" of the hacker? So we can't jack vehicles with people in them, they took that out, and now if we hack terminals, they just revert back after a short period of time.... Anyone can hack a door or a command console without cert points... The only useful thing left that a hacker can do is find an enemy AMS that is deployed and steal it. I dunno, any thoughts? Comments? That AV MAX is starting to look good now .