I used to play WW2 Online and liked the game but it had problems that I could no longer tolerate. WW2O as you know is a MMO game but it's set in WW2 and it's a simulator type game with FPS action if your a soldier.
WW2 Online had 3 problems that killed it for me.
1) The world was too big. You could rarely find a big exciting battle because their were not enough members online to cover the world map. Too many targets, too much open space and not enough players meant that the battles you do find will be small in nature.
2) Soldiers are rare. Nobody really wants to be a soldier because you often get stranded and it takes about 20 minutes to walk to a town, just to get shot from no where by either a sniper or a tank that zoomed in on you and killed you from say 500 meters. That is not fun.
3) Battles have their player limits. If say 100 people are relatively close to each other in a big battle from both sides, people will start dropping from the battle. The engine or net code can't handle more than 100 people at a time in the same place.
I envisioned that WW2O will have huge epic battles with hundreds or thousands of soldiers attacking and defending towns, army bases or even hills. There would be dozens of vechiles engaged in mortal combat while hundreds of soldiers fight it out.
Instead it's about less than a dozen tanks going at it and a few other vechiles and guns and thats it. I've only been on a few battles that had any thing close of what I enivisioned and those are rare and far between.
I hope PlanetSide can can deliver on huge battles and at least semi-realistic combat, like maybe something like Counter Strike realism or Day of Defeat, it doesn't have to be Ghost Recon or Operation Flash Point.