So I was sniping at an enemy base from this very high hill on Searhus, which I only got to by bailing out of my mosquito, there is no possible way to climb up here as an infantry. That got me thinking. There were a bunch of enemy aircraft flying around below me.. and.. aircraft would be the only thing that would reach me up here.
Well.. I just so happen to have a VS AA MAX cert. I thought.. if aircraft are the only thing that can get up here, and I am anti-aircraft.. bring it on! Jumped in it, and attempted to scale this mini-mountain. After many mis-judging attempts to land in certain spots, quite a few health packs from falling too far, and finally figuring out auto-run in place against a wall gives me quite a bit of motion after I hit the jumpjets, I managed to scale this mountain, and take screenshots. :-D
Note, I am at least 300m above that base below me, so no weapons shot from the ground could hit me. Of course, after I finally got up there, the battle was over, and all the aircraft were gone.. but still.. lookit me up there. :-D