yea, so they can make new weapons and new vehicles, but what could they do to expand the armor choices? Post your ideas here for shits and giggles. Heres one me and xenon dreamed up in psu chat.
The backpack armor: basically standard armor (100pts.) with 1 rifle and 2 pistol slots and an inventory double the size of reinforced. With the backpack you would be slow and couldn't ride in heavy vehicles but what if you could shed the backpack. This would leave you with standard armor but you could get into all vehicles. And then what if the backpack you droped is just like one from a corpse? It stays so that people can get stuff out of it until you die or change armors.
This would be great for the engineer who wants to have a regular weapons loadout and still carry a bunch of deployables, then he could drop the backpack and run around fighting and keep going back to it for more deployables. Basically its a trunk you can leave indoors that cant be blown up. You could fill it with sniper rounds, decimators, or even quick medkits. I guess it would be balanced because the guy would have realy weak armor to fight, but can be more flexible and helpful to the team. Reaver and misquito pilots would love it too. Get the backpack loaded with ammo, drop it off somwhere, and hop in the reaver for an even faster way to rearm yourself anywhere you want. Hopefully you could lock it somehow like the trunk in a MAX.