Maxx's seem to take away from the fps aspect of the game.
The role i want to play in this game is that of a skilled foot solder that specializes in killing other infantry as thats what a fps is at its core and thats what i enjoy doing. The problem is not only do we have vehicles for outdoor combat but now planetside takes it beyond bf1942 and adds a large almost mech type unit called a max which makes the sneaky indoors infantry warrior almost worthless when he can play a boring slow max. A max doesnt even play like a fps because its so slow and heavily armored you're basically playing a mech game when you play a max. The success of a max is less determined by player skill than a soldier in this or any other game because his strength is in his huge armor rather than finesse. What i ask now is what place does a soldier have in this game that isnt meant to hack, pilor or heal. Sniping is decent but still wont be a successful as a lardass max hauling his l33t arse all over the field untill 5 players finally bring him down. I just feel like this game would be extremely better without maxes who just seem like a players way of escaping the restraints of their own skill and buying it with certifications.