For those who aren't aware, Planetside-Universe has it's own dedicated IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server totally dedicated to planetside. Yes there are other IRC servers around with planetside channels, but with an IRC server dedicated solely to planetside, everything you see here is Planetside related. You don't have to look through 300 channels trying to pick out ones that pertain to the game. Outfits can easily setup and admin channels for their members and they can be easily found in the channel list. The PSU IRC bandwidth is totally dedicated to PS - not shared with hunderds of other games and gamer interests.
We'd love to see you online - you never know who'll drop by.
If you need an IRC program, two very popular ones can be found here:
To connect to PSU's IRC, just make a
new server entry (PSU won't be in the pre-canned drop down list) and enter the following address:
The port is the standard 6667
If you are already on IRC and want to also connect to PSU please refer to our IRC FAQ located
It will explain ways to make connections to multiple IRC servers at the same time as well as some general help with IRC.
We look forward to seeing you on PSU's IRC
Also note: When PSU is down (as it has been randomly recently) IRC is always up, no matter what. You can recieve the most up to date information about PSU there. So drop by!