Server-side Fixes (5/30/03)
This server-side upgrade will occur at 3am Pacific Time on 5/30/03.
1) The "first-time experience" exploits are prevented. In addition to the fixes made yesterday (that sealed up 90+% of those exploits) we have also resolved a character record corruption that occurred when a character had triggered a large number of first-time xp events. This corruption was preventing some first-time xp from being registered as awarded already and allowed multiple trips to the same pool.
2) A large memory leak was found with our database software (third-party software). A new version is available and we revved our database software. This stabilizes our worlds further and should prevent those "middle of the night craters" that occur occasionally when the servers had been on too long.
3) A logic error in base capture experience has been found. The system is now changed so that a) squads that participate in captures will typically gain more xp than in the previous system, and b) the exploitability of the system by "cap squatters" (individuals from squads slipping in at the last minute to rake xp without risk and sharing that bonus with other squadmembers who were also not at risk) are virtually eliminated.
4) Additionally, the xp awards for resecuring a base (hacking the console back after attackers have initially hacked it) have been increased substantially, so defenders that stick around and fight to retake a base should see increased xp awards for doing so.
NOTE: These xp changes apply equally to lone wolves as well as squads. Both will see increases.