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Old 2003-06-04, 02:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Official PS Wish List (sticky maybe?)

Alright folks for a couple days now i've been writting up articles for a planetside page I felt that while i'm putting up mine and others misc. ramblings why not get a consolidated list of ten things. The PSU community whould like to see implemented in the game. Once per week I'll be running a seperate poll, yes or no, on whether the idea should be added to the consolidated list. The number i'm going for for the list will be 10-15 items long so not every entry will make the cut. I hope this will encourage people to vote yes on items they feel really strongly for.

The new items placed up for vote will be solicited from suggestions which I apreciate you sending to [email protected]. Suggestions i see tmany of in a similar vein/concept i will be posting

A few ground rules.

1. I promise to keep editorializing to a minimum, I will correct things for run-on, and consolidate very similar ideas to the best of my ability. That's the extent of my controll on the process.

2. Please keep the entries as concise as possible. If detail is required feel free to provide it but try and remember that this will be an all or nothing yes or no kind of deal.

3. Piggybacking off the above, please limit yourself to one stand alone idea per entry.

4. Discussion/debate is more then welcome in the replies but please try and keep it civil this is just a personal thing of mine.

5. Please do not submit ideas to nerf certain weapons/vehicles etc. We're looking for ideas that help the game as a whole and/or enrich the play experience.

6. Try to remember ease of implimentation in your ideas. It's a lot simpler to implement a change in the exp code as opposed to changes on every continent requiring us to download them all again. Having said that if you feel your idea is just that good this is a wish list so feel free to punch it in and send it off.

Thanks for the read it'll be intresting to see how this plays out.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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